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Thursday, October 30, 2008

LAB external timetable

Dates are...
ES lab on 4-11-2008(tuesday)....
MAD lab on 5-11-2008(wednesday)....
Morning first batch n evening second batch on both days....

All the best....

MAD online bits

Please find below the MAD bits for the 2nd online exam...
MAD online bits...

All the best...

Friday, October 24, 2008

Externals Timetable

Please find below the timetable for the external exams for IT 4-1

Nov 10th-Virtual Reality
Nov 12th-Embedded Systems
Nov 14th-Mobile Communication
Nov 17th-Software Project Management
Nov 19th-Advanced Computing Concepts
Nov 24th-Multimedia and Application Development

However,it is to inform one and all that the external labs are scheduled for 5th and 7th...however they are tentative....pls. check back for finalised dates..

All the best...

Online bits

Your Friendly blog back in action...
Thanks for the patience...
Please find the database for online bits by clicking below...

All the best...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

2nd Internals Timetable

Following is the timetable for the 2nd Internals...

23-10-08 M.A.D
24-10-08 E.S
25-10-08 S.P.M
27-10-08 M.C.
29-10-08 V.R.
30-10-08 A.C.C

The Onlines are from 11:30 to 12:00 at noon.
The Descriptives are from 1:45 to 3:15 in the afternoon.

Bad news is that the online bits will be difficult to get this we are on our own now....all the best.

Monday, October 20, 2008

MAD lab internal programs

1) Flash guide tween
2) Flash tint tween
3) Flash shape tween
4) Flash in html
5) Flash button1
6) Flash button2
7) Flash animation
8) Detecting display settings
9) Drawing a Circle
10) Drawing a rectangle
11) Drawing a rounded Rectangle
12) Filling a shape with gradient
13) Program to use picture and picture class classes in a fla file
14) Program to use getter and setter methods
15) Program to populate a movie clip with parameter by using movie clip()
16) Swap movie clip depths
17) Programs to assign text to a text field at runtime
18) Create text field at runtime
19) Reversing and sorting an array
20) Program to move object with action script code
21) Program to create an animation that continuous endlessly
22) Blur an image on mouse pointers position